
Showing posts from March, 2019

Fellowship Winners Announced

I am thrilled to learn I have been awarded a Winston Churchill Fellowship. My Fellowship will see me travel to the USA to learn about how performing arts can be used to support healing from trauma. I work in a busy clinical service at a domestic abuse charity, and I am particularly grateful to my managers for supporting my Fellowship application. The therapeutic benefits of the arts are championed by experts in the fields of trauma, including Bessel van der Kolk (author of The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma). I plan to learn about a range of models for using performing arts to assist those traumatised by abuse, violence and adverse life experiences. My aim is to bring back this learning to the UK to inform service development and help develop creative and empowering models for helping people improve wellbeing, reduce distress and reclaim their lives following experiences of trauma.